B.C. takes action to improve literacy for students

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More support for early screening and interventions will help students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities be more successful. So that’s what we’re doing! A total of $30 million over three years will expand the services of several provincial outreach programs and teams and support literacy-focused professional development and training for teachers and support staff.

The new professional development and training will help K-12 teachers and support staff build the knowledge, tools, and evidence-based strategies needed to support the diverse literacy needs of all students, including those beyond Grade 3. This includes workshops and resources for supporting students with learning disabilities. Provincial grants to school districts to access training for teachers and support staff will be available, as well as information for parents and caregivers on evidence-based approaches that help children develop literacy skills.

To learn more visit: B.C. takes action to improve literacy for students | BC Gov News