Working for rural connectivity

a laptop screen with many faces on a video call

A new report by BC Stats has found that connecting underserved rural and remote communities to high-speed internet brings significant economic benefits to people throughout British Columbia.

The Rural B.C. Connectivity Benefits study forecasts that the Province’s investment yields more than $8 in economic growth for every $1 invested and will benefit more than 73,000 rural households.

Increasing access to high-speed internet for people in rural and remote communities also improves quality of life and access to services. For people who are connected to high-speed internet for the first time, being able to digitally connect with friends and family, attend online educational courses, or do telehealth appointments can be life-changing.

Here for a map of funded and in-progress connectivity projects, including multiple in the Lower Similkameen: Funded projects – Province of British Columbia (

For more information about the benefits of rural connectivity check here: Rural connectivity benefits people, economy | BC Gov News