MLAs and Ministers visit the riding

Harry in fire truck

In the last week of May some local towns hosted visiting MLAs and Ministers. Many of whom were from the lower mainland, so there were lots of new experiences! They toured a variety of our local schools, services, shops and restaurants in Grand Forks, Rock Creek, Osoyoos, Oliver, and more. Most of the tour took place is Osoyoos and Oliver, where a few Ministers/MLSs visited the Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre, enjoyed a coffee at Gino’s Coffee, and visited the charismatic employees at Home Hardware. Many of the schools and childcare facilities in Osoyoos and Oliver were visited, including Sen’Pok’Chin School, The Okanagan Boys and Girls Club, and Tuc-El-Nuit Childcare Centre. Ministers/MLAs enjoyed coffee, snacks, and meals at various cafes and eateries, including Terrafina, Roberto’s Gelato, Oliver Eats, and Gems and Stems, to name a few. They enjoyed engaging conversations with Oliver/Osoyoos Search and Rescue as well as Osoyoos Fire Rescue and Oliver Fire Rescue. Many wineries and farms were toured, showcasing the vast beauty of the South Okanagan, as well as demonstrating the hardships many of the establishments are currently facing. The Bhav Sagar Taran Sikh Temple, the Osoyoos Indian Band, and the 85th City Square Plaza unveiling were other highlights throughout the day. This Ministerial/MLA tour was a wonderful opportunity for South Okanagan businesses to share the incredible impact they have on the local community, British Columbia, and Canada as a whole. It also provided an opportunity to share the unique challenges they encounter through a rural lens, which may look quite different at times from challenges that businesses face on the coast. The Ministers/MLAs all enjoyed their time visiting our beautiful area and there was a lot of love for our local vibes!