Grand Forks gets more flood protection funding

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Roly Russell planting a tree

People, property and businesses in and around Grand Forks will be further protected from floodwaters with the construction of a new dike and drainage system, the latest component of the city’s flood mitigation program. With this new investment, the Province has provided more than $39.1 million in flood recovery and mitigation in Grand Forks and surrounding area since 2018.

The 714-metre dike construction and 505-metre drainage system project is in the southern portion of the city and is designed to protect a 100-home neighbourhood and 17-hectare industrial area that includes the city public-works yard and wastewater treatment facility.

With combined support from the federal and provincial governments and the City of Grand Forks, the Grand Forks Flood Mitigation Program will protect the city’s core neighbourhoods, businesses, industries and critical infrastructure, while restoring nine hectares of floodplain to reduce flood risk. Overall, the program is more than 70% complete.

At the announcement, MLA and Roly Russell and ministers were invited to plant trees in the reclaimed area. Roly wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty!

Read more here:

Grand Forks getting better flood protection | BC Gov News