Bill 13 – Land Title and Property Law Amendment Act, 2024

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On April 1st, 2024 The Province of British Columbia introduced legislative amendments that would provide changes to the ways First Nations can acquire, hold and register fee simple land in B.C., reducing discriminatory and racist barriers. The proposed amendments are a long overdue change. We are making changes to outdated laws and ridding them of past colonial policies so that people have opportunities to live equally in British Columbia and no one faces discriminatory barriers.

BACKGROUND legislation

If passed by the legislature, Bill 13 – Land Title and Property Law Amendment Act, 2024, will specify that First Nations that are recognized as legal entities under federal law (e.g., Indian Act bands) to have the legal capacity and ability to register and hold fee simple land in the B.C. land title office.

Currently, unless enabled by specific legislation such as through treaties or other federal legislation, the majority of First Nations in B.C. are unable to acquire, hold, and dispose of land such as fee simple land and leaseholds in their own names. To buy or hold land, most First Nations must undertake the additional administrative processes of setting up a corporation or use alternative arrangements (e.g., proxies, federal trust, societies, and individual members).

To learn more, visit: New legislation will eliminate discriminatory barriers for First Nations | BC Gov News

photo credit: Ethan Dow