Ambulance updates coming for Grand Forks

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David Eby with Roly Russell and emergency staff in front of an ambulance in Grand Forks

Premier David Eby delivered some good news to paramedics stationed in Grand Forks on Monday afternoon, letting them know a new station is being planned with input from members on how to make it a better and safer workplace.

He announced in the Boundary Hospital’s ambulance station that after months of consultations with MLA Roly Russell and the Ministry of Health, the provincial government is starting a design process with paramedics and BC Emergency Health Services to create a better equipped and modern ambulance station for Grand Forks.

While an exact design is still in the works, Eby said it will have space for two more ambulances and meet the needs of paramedic crews, which he explained he was in Grand Forks to see for himself and talk to paramedics about what they need.

More updates on this forthcoming. Check out this article details from today: Premier announces new Grand Forks ambulance station for 2026 – Nelson Star