2024 Age-friendly Communities Grants now open for application

an elderly couple with a toddler on his shoulders

Community grant funding applications aimed at helping older adults in B.C. lead independent and active lives are now open!

Local and Indigenous governments, organizations, and communities can submit applications for 2024 grants to BC Healthy Communities (BCHC) starting July 10, 2024, and closing August 26, 2024. These governments, organizations, and communities may apply for a Stream 1 grant for as much as $25,000 for age-friendly assessments and action plans; or a Stream 2 grant for as much as $15,000 for age-friendly projects.

Join us for an info session on July 23, at 2 pm to ask questions and learn more about the application process. Register here for the info session.

Learn more here: 2024 Age-friendly Communities Grants open for application – BC Healthy Communities